Accueil > Publications > 2020


mercredi 16 septembre 2020, par Damien MEYER

ø. Gordon J.L., Chavez A.S.O., Martinez D., Vachiery N., and Meyer D.F. (2020) Possible biased virulence attenuation in the Senegal strain of Ehrlichia ruminantium by ntrX gene conversion from an inverted segmental duplication. bioRxiv, 11.26.400648 ; doi : Submitted for peer review

ø. Noroy C., and Meyer D.F. (2020) The super repertoire of type IV effectors in the pangenome of Ehrlichia spp. provides insights into host-specificity and pathogenesis. bioRxiv, 11.07.372862 ; doi : Submitted for peer review

Interview for the French Press on Resilience and One Health concepts

Little hiatus in science production due to COVID GAME



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